
(1 point) Suppose a group of 900 smokers (who all wanted to give up smoking) were randomly assigned to receive an antidepressant drug or a placebo for 6 weeks. Of the 513 patients who received the antidepressant drug, 110 were not smoking one year later. Of the 387 patients who received the placebo, 101 were not smoking one year later. Given the null :   and the alternative hypothesis: 0 , conduct to see if taking an antidepressant drug can help smokers stop smoking. Use,  α= 0.05

(a) The test statistic is

(b) The P-value is

(c) The final conclusion is

    ◯ A. There seems to be evidence that the patients taking the antidepressant drug have a different success rate of not smoking after one year than the placebo group

    ◯ B. There is not sufficient evidence to determine whether the antidepressant drug has an effect on changing smoking habits after one year.


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