
1. Electric field lines are drawn

(a) from positive charges to negative charges

(b) from negative charges to positive charges

(c) from the largest charge to the smallest charge

(d) from the smallest charge to the
largest charge.

2. The points where the potential is the same (in three-dimensional space) have the same voltage.
(a) True

(b) False

3. The points where the potential is the same (in three-dimensional space) lie on a surface.

(a) True
(b) False

4. The relationship between the direction of the electric field lines and the equipotential surfaces is
(a) field lines are everywhere parallel to surfaces

(b) field lines always intersect each other

(c) field lines are everywhere perpendicular to surfaces

(d) field lines always make angles between 08and 908
with surfaces.


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Analyn Tolentino
Analyn TolentinoLv10
22 Dec 2020
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