
the circuit shown below is made using identical bulbs and an ideal battery.

The circuit shown below is made using identical bu

a)Which of the following statements is correct? Explain your reasoning for the choices you have made.

Bulb D is brighter than bulb F.

Bulb D is dimmer than bulb F.

Bulbs D and F have the same brightness.

There is not enough information given to compare the brightness of two bulbs.


b)Bulb D in the circuit above is then removed from its socket. (What happens when a bulb is removed? Study the description of a bulb's construction on page 2 of the Electric Circuits I: Current lab if you are unsure.) When bulb D is removed from its socket

the brightness of bulb F would:

- Increase

- Decrease

- Stay the same

- Not enough information

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Manoj Pandey
Manoj PandeyLv10
13 Oct 2020

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