
find the average power pavg created by the force f in terms of the average speed vavg of the sled.

A sled of mass m is being pulled horizontally by a constant upward force of magnitude F that makes an angle theta with the direction of motion. The coefficient of kinetic friction is mu_k. The average velocity of the sled is v_avg.

Part D

Find the average power P_avg created by force F.

Express your answer in terms of Ftheta, and v_avg.
P_avg =
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Let us now consider several questions that include numeric data.

A sled is being pulled along a horizontal surface by a horizontal force F_vec of magnitude 600 N. Starting from rest, the sled speeds up with acceleration 0.08 {\rm m/s}^2 for 1 minute.

Part E
Find the average power P_avg created by force F_vec.
Express your answer in watts to three significant figures.
P_avg =
\rm W
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Part F
Find the instantaneous power P created by force F_vec at t=10\; {\rm s}.
Express your answer in watts to three significant figures.
P =
\rm W
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25 Sep 2020

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