27 Nov 2019

The following data resprsent the frequency distribution of 200variables drawn from a parent Gaussian population with mean μ =26.00 and standard deviation σ = 500.

The bins are two units wide and the lower edge of the first binis at x = 14.

4 8 11 20 26 31 29 22 26 13 5 2 3

(a) Plot a historgram of data.

(b) From the mean μ and standard deviation σ, calculate theGaussian function that reprsents the parent distribution,normalized to the area of the histogram. Your first point should becalculated at x = 15, the midpoint of of the bin.

(c) Calculate Chi Squared X^2 to test the agreement between thedata and the theoretical curve.

(d) What is the expectation value of Chi Squared X^2.

(e) Refer to table C.4 to find Chi Squared X^2 probability ofthe fit, that is the probability of drawing a random sample fromthe parent population that will yield a value of Chi Squared as alarge as or larger than your calculated values.

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