26 Nov 2019

I don't really expect an answer to this because it seemslikeeverytime i post a difficult question no one responds. butanyway,if you give me ANY sort of help ill rate you lifesaver. Herewego
A particle of mass m and energy E is incident from r =infinityand moves toward the parabolic barrier
V(r)= V0 - 1/2 mω2(r-R0)2,
where R0 is the radial distance at whichthepotential attains its maximum value V0. Show thattheprobability of transmission T of the particle through thisbarrieris
T= exp [ 2π(E-V0]/h-barω
Use the barrier penetration formula T = exp (-2I), I =∫√2m/h-bar [V(r)-E] dr
Also note that ∫ √(a2-r2) dr= 1/2[r√(a2-r2) +a2sin-1(r/abs a)
where abs a means absolute value. note that in the I=integral, V(r) and E are in the numerator, to avoid confusion.I'mnot sure if this problem just involves evaluating adifficultintegral or if the harmonic oscillator is somehowinvolved.

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Sixta Kovacek
Sixta KovacekLv2
20 Sep 2019

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