26 Nov 2019

This problem explores the behavior of charge on groundedconductors. We take as an example a long conducting rod suspendedby conducting wires that are connected to ground. Assume that therod is initially electrically neutral. For convenience, we willrefer to the left end of the rod as end A, and the right end of therod as end B . In the answer options for this problem, "stronglyattracted/repelled" means "attracted/repelled with a force ofmagnitude similar to that which would exist between two chargedballs."

A small metal ball is given a negative charge, then brought near(i.e., within about 1/10 the length of the rod) to end A of therod. What happens to end A of the rod when the ball approaches itclosely this first time?

strongly repelled
strongly attracted
weakly attracted
weakly repelled
neither attracted nor repelled

Now consider what happens when the small metal ball is repeatedlygiven a negative charge and then brought into contact with end A ofthe rod.

After a great many contacts with the charged ball, how is anycharge on the rod arranged (when the charged ball is faraway)?

positive charge on end B and negative charge on end A
negative charge spread evenly on both
negative charge on end A with end B remaining neutral
both ends neutral
positive charge spread evenly on both

How does end A of the rod react when the (re)charged ballapproaches it after a great many previous contacts with endA?

strongly repelled
strongly attracted
weakly attracted
weakly repelled
neither attracted nor repelled

How does end B of the rod react when the charged ball approaches itafter a great many previous contacts with end A?

strongly repelled
strongly attracted
weakly attracted
weakly repelled
neither attracted nor repelled

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Nestor Rutherford
Nestor RutherfordLv2
30 Oct 2019

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