23 Nov 2019

Okay, I need to derive four different forms of variables for anRL Circuit. The four variables consist of: I, VR,VL, VT. Also, this is for a circuit which isclosed switch and current is still running through it.

So far, I have:

1.) I = I0(1-e-t/τ)

2.) VR = IR = I0(1-e-t/τ)R =ε(1-e-t/τ) R cancels out because I0 is equal to ε/R

3.) VL = ?

4.) VT = ?

Okay, this is what I have thus far. Could someone please lookover formulas one and two for accuracy and also help me deriveformulas three and four? Thanks. Will give a "lifesaver"rating.

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Jean Keeling
Jean KeelingLv2
2 Apr 2019

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