23 Nov 2019

To protect their young in the nest, peregrine falcons will fly intobirds of prey (such as ravens) at high speed. In one such episode,a 600 falcon flying at 20.0 ran into a 1.50 raven flying at 9.00 .The falcon hit the raven at a right angle to its original path andbounced back with a speed of 5.00 . By what angle did the falconchange the raven's direction of motion?

A) Give the final x and y components of the momentum of the falcon:and . Note that the final components of momentum are the componentsof momentum after the collision.
B) Give the final x and y components of the momentum of the raven:and . Note that the final components of momentum are the componentsof momentum after the collision.
Since these quantities are unknown, you will need to use symbols toexpress the unknown terms. In particular, use the symbol for theangle between the raven's direction of motion after the collisionand the positive x axis, and for the raven's final speed.

Express your answers and separated by commas using the variables ,for the angle that the raven's direction of motion makes with thepositive x axis, and , for the raven's final speed.

C)Despite being only about one-third the mass of the raven, thefalcon successfully diverts the raven's direction of motion by arelatively large angle. This is because of the initial high speedof the falcon. In fact, by what angle would the falcon change theraven's direction of motion if it were to hit the raven at a lowerspeed, for example at a speed equal to the raven's initial speed?Assume that the raven has the same final speed as above and thefalcon has the same final velocity as given in theintroduction.
Express your answer in degrees to two sigificant figures.

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