23 Nov 2019

1 ) At a factory, a noon whistle is sounding with a frequency of451 Hz. As a car traveling at 84 km/h approaches the factory, thedriver hears the whistle at frequency fi. After driving past thefactory, the driver hears frequency ff. What is the change infrequency ff - fi heard by the driver? (Assume a temperature of 20°C.)

2 ) A source of sound waves of frequency 0.9 kHz is travelingthrough the air at 0.75 times the speed of sound.

(a) What is the frequency of the sound received by a stationaryobserver if the source moves toward her?

(b) Now, the source moves away from the stationary observer. Whatis the frequency of the sound received in this case?

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Jarrod Robel
Jarrod RobelLv2
6 Sep 2019

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