23 Nov 2019

Part B
Your mischievous lab partner takes the resistor that you justexperimented with and assembles it in a network with one otherresistor inside a black box. When you tell him you don't care abouthis black box, he takes your lunch money and won't give it backuntil you can tell him the configuration of the resistors inside ofthe black box (parallel or series). (The lesson here is to feignpolite interest in your totally lame lab partner.) Being anindustrious physics student you connect the leads of the black boxto your power source, voltmeter (in parallel), and ammeter (inseries) and take the following simultaneous measurements.

Voltage (V) Current (mA)
2.775 14.48

Use the measurements to find the total resistance and infer from itwhat the arrangement must be. What do you answer to get your lunchmoney back?
*The answer will be either series orparallel

Part C
Now that you've served your lab partner and proven to all the classwho the true physicist in the room is, the embarrassed lab partnerwants revenge. He bets you double or nothing that you can't namethe resistance of the resistor that he added to the one youexperimented with. Using the information you obtained in parts Aand B, predict this value of the resistance of the second resistorand make your lab partner rue the day he ever tangled withyou!

R2 =

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Tod Thiel
Tod ThielLv2
1 Sep 2019

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