23 Nov 2019

To demonstrate the tremendous acceleration of a top fueldragracer, you attempt to run your car into the back of a dragsterthatis "burning out" at the red light before the start of arace.(Burning out means spinning the tires at high speed to heatthetread and make the rubber sticky.)
What is tmax, the longest time after thedragsterbegins to accelerate that you can possibly run into theback of thedragster if you continue at your initial velocity?
Assuming that the dragster has started atthelast instant possible (so your front bumper almosthitsthe rear of the dragster at t = tmax, findyourdistance from the dragster when he started. If youcalculatepositions on the way to this solution, choose coordinatessothat the position of the drag car is 0 at t=0. Remember thatyouare solving for a distance (which is a magnitude, and can neverbenegative), not a position (which can benegative).
Find numerical valuesfor tmax andDstart in seconds andmeters for the (reasonable) valuesv0 = 60mph (26.8 m/s) and a=50m/s2.

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