23 Nov 2019

1. A transformer for an answering machine takes an ACvoltageof 170 V. (maximum, or peak-to-peak) as its input andprovides 7.8V (rms) as its output to the answering machine.
A) What is the rms equivalent to thispeak-to-peakvoltage?
B) Calculate the turns ratio between the primaryandsecondary.
C) When not answering, the machine uses a maximum power of5.0W. What is the current (rms) drawn from the 170 V line?
2. An astronomer is making an observation of anew-discoveredgalactic object. Part of this observation is theanalsis of thelight emitted by the object. It is observed that thislightincludes a clear pattern of the emission spectrum ofatomichydrogen.
Part of that spectrum is the Hα line, which on earth hasawavelength of 656.258 nm
(10-9m). The observed light from this objecthasthis spectral line measured at 659.0 nm.
Explain this discrepancy, quantitatively, using theDopplerEffect.
thank you. Please help me.

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Jean Keeling
Jean KeelingLv2
6 Mar 2019
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