9 Nov 2019

A bullet of mass m1 is firedhorizontally at a speed vo into a wooden block of mass M2. Thebullet instantaneously comes to rest in the block. The block withthe embedded bullet slides a distance (s) along a horizontalsurface with a coefficient of kinetic friction μ. Which one of thefollowing expressions determines how far (s) the block slidesbefore it comes to rest.
NOTE: if the picture is not clear, al the ones that look like m (small letter) the sub of it is 1 ( bassically it is m1)

every thing look like M ( capital letter ) is M2

And every V has a sub of o so all of them are (Vo)^2

and there is couple of μ and g that are easy to see.

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Trinidad Tremblay
Trinidad TremblayLv2
6 Jul 2019

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