
Problem 2
J & J is considering replacing some of their older computers. Give the potential entries given the following scenarios. Assume all scenarios are independent (B is not independent from A) and have commercial substance.

a. Fourteen new computers - $140,000, additional $2,000 for freight and 6% tax on $140,000. Estimated useful life is 5 years with 5% salvage value. They are treated as a single unit for financial reporting purposes. No trade-ins.
b. Ten existing computers will be traded in (total trade-in value $10,000) for the new computers. The computers are treated as a single unit with an original cost of $80,000 and book value of $8,000. The remainder was paid in cash. They are treated as a single unit for financial reporting purposes

c. Ten existing computers will be traded in (total trade-in value $20,000) for the new computers. The computers are treated as a single unit with an original cost of $80,000 and book value of $20,000. The remainder was paid in cash. They are treated as a single unit for financial reporting purposes

Prepare the potential journal entries for the above events.

Part B is not independent from A. Please show all calculations. Thanks

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