12 Dec 2019

1. Write symbols for each of the isotopes:

a. Each atom contains one proton and two neutrons

b. Each atom contains 92 protons and 146 neutrons.

2. One element lithium has two naturally occurring isotopes. One of these has a mass of 6.0151amu and a natural abundance of 7.49%. A second isotope has a mass of 7.0160 amu and a natural abundance of 92.51%. Calculate the atomic mass of lithium.

3. For each of the elements Ca, K, Cu, Zn, Br and Kr, provide the following information:

a. Which are metals? ____________________

b. Which are representative metals? ____________________

c. Which are inert or noble gases? ____________________

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Tod Thiel
Tod ThielLv2
13 Dec 2019
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