28 Apr 2022
(r, θ) = (r, e) = SCalcET 810 4 047 urve. 87 points SCalcETS 10 4.JIT 004 This exercise involves the formula for the area of a circular sector The area of a circle is 600 m2. Find the area of a sector of this dircle that subtends a central angle of 3 rad. (Round your answer to one decimal place.) 11 Type here to search OSHIBA
(r, θ) = (r, e) = SCalcET 810 4 047 urve. 87 points SCalcETS 10 4.JIT 004 This exercise involves the formula for the area of a circular sector The area of a circle is 600 m2. Find the area of a sector of this dircle that subtends a central angle of 3 rad. (Round your answer to one decimal place.) 11 Type here to search OSHIBA
Hubert KochLv2
12 May 2022
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12 May 2022
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