23 Sep 2018

Nelson died in 1996 and Newman and Franz were appointed co-personal representatives of her estate. Newman and Franz hired McKenzie-Larson to appraise the estate’s personal property in preparation for an es- tate sale. McKenzie-Larson told them that she did not appraise fine art, and that if she saw any, they would need to hire an additional appraiser. McKenzie-Larson did not report finding any fine art, and relying on her silence and her appraisal, Newman and Franz priced

the personal property and held an estate sale. Rice re- sponded to the newspaper advertisement for the sale and attended it. At the sale, Rice bought two oil paint- ings for $60. Rice had bought and sold some art, but he was no expert. He had never made more than $55 on any single piece and he had bought many that turned out to be frauds, forgeries, or the work of lesser artists. He assumed that the paintings at the estate sale were not originals, given their price and the fact that the sale was being managed by professionals. Subsequently, Rice learned that the paintings were original works of Martin Johnson Heade. Rice sold the paintings on consignment at Christie’s in New York for $1,072,000. After subtract- ing the buyer’s premium and the commission, Rice real- ized $911,780 from the sale. Newman and Franz sued Rice, claiming that the sale contract should be rescinded on the basis of mistake. Will Newman and Franz win?

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Keith Leannon
Keith LeannonLv2
25 Sep 2018

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