10 Feb 2018

5. Linda’s truck breaks down, she asks Low-Tow, Inc., to tow it to Pete’s Repair Shop. There is no discussion of a price, and Linda and Low-Tow do not sign any documents. Later, Low-Tow sends Linda a bill. With respect to Linda’s obligation to pay the bill, this is a. an express contract. b. an implied contract. c. no contract. d. a quasi contract.

6. Leo signs a lease agreement for an apartment with Jamo, who owns and manages the Bear Creek Apartments complex. These parties have a. an express contract. b. an implied contract. c. a quasi contract. d. no contract.

7. Fran drives into Leo’s Auto Service and asks Hank, a Leo’s employee, to replace a tire on Fran’s car. After Hank replaces the tire, but before Fran pays for it, any contract between Fran and Leo’s is a. executed. b. executory. c. void. d. unenforceable.

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Nelly Stracke
Nelly StrackeLv2
11 Feb 2018

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