
I need help with this!!! Please help

The effects of fraud often harm many, though it is often committed by one or a few unethical people who are often seeking monetary benefits. I work in state Government specifically around public safety professions. One of the roles of my organization is to hold public safety professionals accountable to the standards of their respective professions. One issue that comes out from time to time is people in positions of power seem to think they are untouchable. This article is an example of just such a case. As you will read Oregon State Police (OSP) Captain Jeff Lanz, who oversees the agency's internal affairs unit is being investigated for fraud. Captain Lanz, section is responsible for investigating allegations of unethical, illegal, and immoral behaviors committed by OSP troopers. It is disheartening that self-serving actions such as those alleged against Mr. Lanz, can so quickly degrade the integrity of an organization. In this case, the fraud is egregious as it was committed by a person who held a position to protect the public and the profession against the very actions he committed. In this case, he falsified travel reimbursement documents for monetary gain. His actions did a disservice to the entire public safety profession. The effects of which will cause the historical findings of his section to be questioned. Prior actions brought froward by the section will be scrutinized by anyone previously investigated and/or held accountable and all future actions will likely be viewed through a lens of distrust by the public and staff. Legal battles, tort claims, and wrongful discipline/discharge suits will follow. The cost to the organization will far and exceed any benefit he obtained for himself. In this particular case the loss of the public's and staff's trust, will far exceed the monetary losses of the case.

http://www.oregonlive.com/pacific-northwest-news/index.ssf/2014/05/oregon_state_police_captain_pu.html (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

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Casey Durgan
Casey DurganLv2
28 Sep 2019

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