
Directions: The following is a headnote that precedes a shortstory in a literature textbook. Read it, then write a brief answerto the questions that follow. The Hockey Sweater By Roch CarrierRoch Carrier, the author of this short story, was born in 1937. Heis a native of the Canadian province of Quebec. Although much ofCanada uses English as its native language, French is the preferredlanguage in Quebec, which has tried) unsuccessfully) to secede fromCanada and become an independent country. The story, firstpublished in1979, describes hockey’s influence on the lives ofCanadian boys when the author was a boy in the 1940s. The story hasbecome so popular in Canada that the Canadian five=dollar bill nowfeatures an excerpt from it. The plot is simple and the tonehumorous: “The Hockey sweater” describes what happens when thenarrator mother forces him to wear a rival team’s jersey. As youread, look for the authors observations on the difference betweenadults and children. In the story, children see adults as authorityfigures who make them do things they don’t want to do. Has thisperception changes much over the decades? Do the authors fondmemories of his childhood make you recall any similar experiencesfrom your youth? 1. Which political issue do you think may play arole in the soty? 2. Do a search for “The Hockey sweater” onWikipedia. (www.wikipedia.org). Which famous Canadian hockey playeris an important character in the story? 3. Based on the descriptionin the headnote, what are your expectations for the story? Forexample, do you think the story will be funny, depressing, orangry? Why?

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Jean Keeling
Jean KeelingLv2
28 Sep 2019

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