
The Great Canadian Tax Dodge

It is estimated that between 100 and 170 billion dollars leavesCanada every year, untaxed. Much of it is siphoned off toCanadian-made offshore tax havens. The Great Canadian TaxDodge documents the birth of the Canadian Tax Fairnessmovement and examines the issue of tax avoidance, exposing thesophisticated corporate strategies and tax loopholes commonly usedto legally avoid tax.

Write a review, that should be at least 500 words long. answerthe following questions in the review:

  • What is the subject of this documentary?
  • Would you recommend other people watch this documentary? Why orwhy not?
  • Was the documentary relevant to you? Why or why not?
  • Is the information presented in this documentary reliable? Givereasons.
  • Is there bias presented in this documentary? Give reasons.
  • Thinking about the elements of a documentary that you learnedabout, explain how this documentary uses the key elements of gooddocumentaries.
  • How could the documentary have been made better? Whichadditional elements could have been included?
  • Is there one quote you could pick from the documentary thatcould be used to advertise it? If so, which one?

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Sixta Kovacek
Sixta KovacekLv2
28 Sep 2019

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