9 May 2019

market equilibrium. There is data on three different goods � bananas, chocolate, and bonds. Consider the market for bananas at a local produce store. The manager has data on how much consumers will demand and how much his distributors will supply at various prices.??What is the market clearing price and quantity? How did you arrive at that result? The Market for Bananas

Price Supply Demand

50 100 35

45 90 40

40 80 45

35 70 40

30 60 55

25 50 50

20 40 55

15 30 60

10 20 75

5 10 80

Now consider the market for three kinds of chocolate at a candy store. The manager has data on how much consumers will demand and how much his distributors will supply for three different market segments: Premium, Generic, and Every Day.??What is the market clearing price and quantity for each segment? How did you arrive at that result? Premium Chocolate Price Supply Demand

2 300 5

1.75 100 10

1.5 80 20

1.25 70 50

1 30 100

0.75 0 200

0.5 0 20,000

0.25 0 40,000

Generic/Store Chocolate

Price Supply Demand

2 100 0

1.75 90 0

1.5 50 0

1.25 40 0

1 30 5

0.75 20 10

0.5 10 100

0.25 0 10,000

Every Day Chocolate

Price Supply Demand

2 200 0

1.75 70 0

1.5 30 0

1.25 20 0

1 10 0

0.75 0 100

0.5 0 1,000

0.25 0 20,000

A state government is issuing tax-free bonds to finance the building of a new bridge. The government will issue 10,000 bonds at an auction. The government will take the highest bid, the next highest, and so on until all the bonds are sold. Every winner pays the lowest price. ??What is the market clearing price and quantity? How did you arrive at that result?

Price Supply Demand

101 10,000 100

100.5 10,000 500

100 10,000 4,500

99.5 10,000 4,900

99 10,000 6,100

98.5 10,000 10,000



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Patrina Schowalter
Patrina SchowalterLv2
11 May 2019

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