12 Mar 2018

What is UN Sustainable Developement Goal? I don't really understand what they are by reading articles.

Can you keep it simple? So they there's 17 goals to make the world a better place, right? Like environment and education. And all the states meet up to set policies so they can put programs that would make the world a better place not only in developing countries but around the world. So everyone's happy.

But it says there's another thing called MDG or Millenium Developement Goal. And this is where it gets confused. So this thing was what it used and it got expired? It's like the same thing, but since it got expired, now they're using SDG? And it says MDG and SDG have similar functions too.

I need to do a presentation, so I really want to know about what SDG is so I can go up and talk about it in detail. But although I know what it does like help people, I can't specifically know what it really is. When i read this article, I have no idea what it's really saying. Here's the link. Thanks!



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Patrina Schowalter
Patrina SchowalterLv2
13 Mar 2018

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