
1. Which of the following is true for a monopolist?

a. Its marginal revenue curve is equal to its demand curve.

b. It faces many competitors.

c. It faces a perfectly elastic demand curve.

d. It must lower its price on all of its units in order to sell any additional units.


2. Which of the following is characteristic of a perfectly competitive market?

a. Significant barriers to entry.

b. Price below marginal revenue

c. A large number of firms.

d. Differentiated products.


3. Which of the following is an example of product differentiation?

a. Mills produce softwood and hardwood, but the two are used for different purposes.

b. Two shampoos differ only in their labels, but consumers pay $0.20 more for the label they recognize.

c. Consumers substitute SUVs for cars because SUVs accommodate more passengers.

d. Sugar can be made from sugar beets or sugar cane, and consumers cannot tell the difference.

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Mahe Alam
Mahe AlamLv10
29 Jan 2021

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