22 Mar 2019

8. Imagine a Small open economy in the Classical theory. What happens to NX and real exchange rate if aggregate savings go down?

a) NX goes into deficit and real exchange rate rises.

b) NX goes into deficit and real exchange rate falls.

c) NX goes into surplus and real exchange rate rises.

d) NX goes into surplus and real exchange rate falls.

9. Imagine that the economy is at the intersection of LRAS, SRAS and AD curves. Suppose that a shock lowers the SRAS curve. What kind of stabilization policy can be taken to return the economy to the long run level of Y?

a)Raise money supply

b)Lower money supply

c)Keep money supply unchanged

d)None of the above

10. Actual Expenditure < Planned Expenditure means that firms will

a)Raise production

b)Lower production

c)Keep production unchanged

d)None of the above

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Nelly Stracke
Nelly StrackeLv2
23 Mar 2019

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