
2) Kenya and Uzbekistan each produce textiles and steel using labor as their only resource. Each country has 1,000 hours of labor. In Kenya, 1 hour produces 1 ream of textiles and it takes 2 hours to produce 1 ton of steel. In Uzbekistan, 1 hour produces 1 ream of textiles and it takes 3 hours to produce 1 ton of steel. When they do not trade with each other, Kenya consumes 750 reams of textiles and 125 tons of steel, Uzbekistan consumes 500 reams of textiles and 166.67 tons of steel.

a) How much of each product does each country produce in 1 hour?

b) Which country has the absolute advantage in textile production?

c) What is the price of steel in Uzbekistan before the two countries begin to trade with each other?

d) In order for Kenya to gain from trade, what must the price of textiles be less than?

e) At what price will Uzbekistan's gains from the trade of textiles be the largest?

f) What is the opportunity cost of a ton of steel in Kenya?


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Sonal Bahl
Sonal BahlLv10
29 Sep 2019

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