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1- Goods that are not sold during the year are included as part of that year's investment in calculating GDP.
A- True
B- False

2- When the nominal GDP has increased in the United States, we know that:

A- the U.S. price level has increased
B- the U.S. price level has decreased.
C- U.S. output of goods and services has increased.
D- Either the U.S. output of goods and services or the price level has increased.
E- Both the U.S. output of goods and services and the price level have increased.

3- Fill in the blank: GDP is the total value of ________ produced for the marketplace during a given year, within the nation's borders

A- all goods
B- all goods and services
C- all final goods
D- all final goods and services
E- all final and intermediate goods and services

4- Structural unemployment is considered a microeconomic problem.

A- True
B- False

5- The unemployment rate in the United States is defined as the number of unemployed divided by _____.
A- the U.S. population
B- the number of employed plus the number of unemployed
C- the U.S. population over the age of 16
D- the number of employed
E- the number of employed minus the number of unemployed

6- If Americans buy $500 billion worth of foreign goods and services, and foreigners buy $200 billion worth of American goods and services, then net exports for the United States are equal to _____.
A. $100 billion
B. $200 billion
C. -$300 billion
D. $500 billion
E. $700 billion

7- Discouraged workers are people who used to work, but no longer want a job.

A- True
B- False

8- In the expenditure approach, GDP is equal to _____.

A. C + I + G + exports - imports

B. C + I + G

C. C + I + G + exports

D. C + I + G + imports

E. C + I + G + exports + imports

9- U.S. GDP measures the production of goods and services by Americans, regardless of which country they reside in when they produce those goods and services.

A- True
B- False

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Darryn D'Souza
Darryn D'SouzaLv10
29 Sep 2019

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