
1. Unemployment Rate = 10%

# Employed = 180 Million

# Working age population = 250 Million


# Unemployed

# Labor Force

# Not in the Labor Force Labor Force Participation Rate

2. Assume current unemployment is 10%

A) Calculate cyclical unemployment.

B) Is it possible for cyclical unemployment to be negative? Explain

C) Explain what the natural unemployment rate is. Why is it 0%?

D) After a recession ends (expansion begins), would you expect unemployment to increase or decrease? What about natural unemployment?

E) Explain how it might be caused by discouraged workers if the actual unemployment went up after a recession? Refer to the unemployment calculation in your answer.

F) During our current recession, the government decided to increase the unemployment benefits that people received. How would you expect this to affect the unemployment rate? Which type of unemployment?

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Divya Singh
Divya SinghLv10
28 Sep 2019

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