
I want you to research an example in the world, and then compose analyses for each of the three.

Environmental Flow Policies (p31)

Research at least two examples of environmental flow policies anywhere in the world and write a short analysis paragraph for each that both summarizes and criticizes the policy and location.

Rights vs. Needs (p35)

Write an explanation paragraph that connects the group's understanding of the concepts to the ideas of privatization discussed in the Looming Water Crisis and elsewhere in our readings.

Fair Water-Use Policies (p43)

Draft a fair water-use policy and explain how it will effectively solve a problem with water rights, usage, or depletion in a specific country or region. This can relate to the policy explained for the first prompt--Environmental Flow Policies. It can present a viable solution to the problem.

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Darryn D'Souza
Darryn D'SouzaLv10
28 Sep 2019

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