
Below is a recommended topic for this discussion. If your instructor chooses a different Making the Connection€ from this week's readings or another alternate discussion topic, his or her chosen topic and any required work in MyEconLab or elsewhere will be in the instructor's first posting.

Read the Making the Connection short case titled In the Apple iPhone Apps Store, Easy Entry Makes the Long Run Pretty Short in Chapter 12 of our textbook, and also be sure to watch the video right under the Making the Connection title (maybe a few times). Then post your first posting this week beginning to discuss what you've read and watched in the video.

Then work on problems and applications 5.9, at the end of Chapter 12, answering and discussing the questions in that exercise.

MyEconLab screen for both week 2 videos.

First Part:

Question 1

Guys, I refer you to the question above Read the Making the Connection short case titled In the Apple iPhone Apps Store, Easy Entry Makes the Long Run Pretty Short in Chapter 12 of our textbook...

Question 2

Guys, what are the characteristics of a perfect market? Why is it perfect?

Question 3

Guys, what is MC = MR? Explain this point.

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Joshua Stredder
Joshua StredderLv10
28 Sep 2019

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