
A) Assume that the long-run aggregate supply curve is vertical at Y = 3,000 while the short-run aggregate supply curve is horizontal at P = $1.0. The aggregate demand curve is Y = 2(M/P) and M = 1,500.

i) If the economy is initially in long-run equilibrium, what are the values of P and Y?

ii) What is the velocity of money in this economy?

iii) If M increases to 2,000, what are the new short-run values of P and Y?

iv) Once the economy adjusts to long-run equilibrium at M = 2,000, what are P and Y?

B) Assume that the long-run aggregate supply curve is vertical at Y = 3,000 while the short-run aggregate supply curve is horizontal at P = $1.0. The aggregate demand curve is Y = 3(M/P) and M = 1,000.

i) Suppose a supply shock moves the short-run aggregate supply curve to P=$1.5. What are the new short-run P and Y? What will be the new long-run P and Y?

ii) Suppose that immediately after the supply shock the Federal Reserve Bank wanted to hold output at its long-run level. What level of M would be required? If this level of M were maintained, what would be long-run equilibrium P and Y?

C) Use the aggregate demand/aggregate supply model to illustrate graphically the impact in the short run and the long run of the following changes. (Be sure to label: i. the axes; ii. the curves; iii. the initial equilibrium values; iv. the direction the curves shift; v. the short-run equilibrium values; and vi. the long-run equilibrium values). Also, state what happens to prices and output in the short run and the long run.

i) The Federal Reserve Bank engages in expansionary monetary policy.

ii) Climate change causes reduced food production.

iii) Labor unions are banned.

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Divya Singh
Divya SinghLv10
28 Sep 2019

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