
A typical AS curve has three parts: a flat, horizontal portion at low levels of output, a middle section with a more-or-less gentle upward slope, and a steep or vertical portion at high levels of output. Let's consider two of these parts individually, the horizontal portion and the vertical portion.

A. Imagine that AS and AD intersect in the horizontal portion of the AS curve. In this case, if aggregate demand increases, how does the output of the economy change? Does demand drive the economy here? (5 points)

B. Imagine that AS and AD intersect in the vertical portion of the AS curve. In this case, if aggregate demand increases, how does the output of the economy change? Does demand drive the economy here? (5 points)

C. Imagine that AS and AD intersect in the vertical portion of the AS curve. Assume a technological breakthrough increases the full-employment level of RGDP and shifts the AS curve to the right. In this case, when aggregate supply increases, how does the output of the economy change? Does supply create its own demand? (5 points)

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Joshua Stredder
Joshua StredderLv10
28 Sep 2019

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