
Q1 In a modified B/C ratio:

a. Disbenefits and M&O costs are subtracted from benefits in the numerator

b. Disbenefits are subtracted from benefits, and M&O are added to cost in the denominator

c. Disbenefits are added to costs, and M&O costs are subtracted from benefits

d.M&O receives the same treatment as the salvage value

Q2. To convert constant-value dollars into inflated dollars, it is necessary to take CV dollars and:

a. Divide by (1 + if) n

b. Divide by (1 + f ) n

c. Divide by (1 + i) n

d. Multiply by (1 + f )n

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Retselisitsoe Pokothoane
Retselisitsoe PokothoaneLv10
28 Sep 2019

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