
10) For the Monopolistic Competition Market Structure

a) List and explain the characteristics of monopolistic competition and compare them to the characteristics of pure competition and monopoly.

i) Please discuss monopolistic competition, list and explain the characteristics.

b) List and explain the characteristics of product differentiation. Provide 3 examples of companies actually using this technique and the impact of that differentiation had on the firms’ performance.

i) Product differentiation is a key concept of microeconomics. Please list and explain the characteristics.

c) You are a business manager at a monopolistically competitive firm. One of your newly hired workers wants to know the conditions under which the monopolistically competitive firm in the short run will maximize economic profit or minimize economic loss. Please explain these two things to your new employee. Be thorough.

i) Please use the MR MC approach in your answer.

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Retselisitsoe Pokothoane
Retselisitsoe PokothoaneLv10
28 Sep 2019

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