
In our text, we read about extreme poverty and global efforts to address it. This article discusses some successes and set-backs.


1. With so many global advancements in technology, medicine, and education, why is it getting harder to combat extreme poverty? Do you think it would be eradicated if the rich nations would fulfill the UN request of 0.7% of GNP for foreign aid?

2. With India and Sub Saharan Africa having similar numbers of extreme poverty in 1990, what are some reasons India has been able to cut their extreme poverty numbers by 50% while Africa struggles at 15%?

3. China has reduced its extreme poverty numbers by 57% over the last 25 years but that growth is slowing. While the article discusses the impact the downturn will have on Africa, do you think China will see their own numbers of extreme poverty begin to rise again? Why or why not?



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Romarie Khazandra Marijuan
Romarie Khazandra MarijuanLv10
28 Sep 2019

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