
Figure: Four-Country Oil Production

Total Market Output (barrels of oil) Market Price ($) Profit ($)

400 80

600 70

800 60

 1,000 50

  1,200 40

1,400 30

  1,600 20

6. Refer to the table above. Suppose that four countries are engaged in oil production. Assume zero costs.

a. If the four countries create a cartel and agree to mimic monopoly-like behavior, what level of output would each individual firm produce? What is each firm’s profit? (2 pts.)

b. Assume that Country A cheats on the cartel agreement by producing 200 more barrels than the other three countries.

i. What is the new market price when Country A cheats? (1 pt.)

ii. What is the new profit earned by Country A? What profit does each of the other three countries make? (2 pts.)

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Paramjeet Chawla
Paramjeet ChawlaLv8
28 Sep 2019

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