
Compose a 200-300 word response to the following questions in a Microsoft Word file and submit your assignment.

This DQ asks you to compare the U.S./Canada balance of trade with U.S./Canada exchange rates. To complete this DQ, you will need statistics from the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis's website as follows:

Canadian dollars per U.S. dollars. This file has a couple of columns of data -- one for the month and year and another for the C$/US$ exchange rate. For example,
the exchange rate for January 1971 (1971.01) was 1.0118. This means you could buy 1.0118 Canadian dollars with 1 U.S dollar.

U.S. Imports from Canada. This file also has a couple of columns of data -- one for the month and year and one for U.S. imports from Canada. For example,
in January 1974, imports from Canada totaled $1,414.0 million.

U.S. Exports to Canada. This file also has a couple of columns of data -- one for the month and year and one for U.S. exports of goods to Canada. For example, in January 1974, exports to Canada totaled $1,396.5 million.

Use statistics from the above web pages to complete the following table and answer the following questions.

Before you complete the table, describe the relationship between the exchange rate and net exports (export - imports). If the value of the US$ strengthens (appreciates), what would you expect to happen to net exports?

Next, complete the following table for the month of January for any five years of your choosing. Do not use 1998.


Exports to Canada

Imports from Canada

Trade Balance

(Exports – Imports)

Exchange Rate


Does the information in your table support your answer to part "a" of this discussion question? If not, what factors could explain why the table contradicts your answer to part "a?"

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Joshua Stredder
Joshua StredderLv10
28 Sep 2019

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