
This is for an Intro to Logic Class and I wasn't sure which Expert to send it too so if you could get it to the correct expert, that would be greatly appreciated.

Assuuming ordinary contexts, examine each of the folowing purported arguments. a) Identify the conclusion. b) Identify the stated premises. c) Add a premise that will make the argument stronger. d) Add a premise that will make the argument weaker, assuuming that the premise for (c) has not been added.

2. There is no reason to vote, since all policticians are corrupt.

4. Bats are not bird, because birds have feathers.

6. Gregory is not a Turkish Cypriot; therefore, he is a Greek Cypriot.

8. Susan will not get the job done. She has no expierence.

10. All trees are plats and all oaks are trees. Therefore, all oaks are living things.

12. Since he just received a pay raise, he must be competent at his job.

14. Peter is not my friend, because he told lies about me.

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Vaishnavi Kanukurti
Vaishnavi KanukurtiLv10
28 Sep 2019

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