
1. Consider the simple exchange economy that we talked about in class with only two people, Liz and Jack, and only two goods, cupcakes (our "x" good) and microwaves (our "y" good). Use the following information to answer question 1. Note that the subscripts on t and m denotes to whom the cupcakes or microwaves belong (i.e. cL is the number of cupcakes that Liz has).


cmL = 4cL/mL


cmJ = 2cJ/mJ

Total # of cupcakes = 16

Total # of microwaves = 8

a. Consider the allocation where Liz has 12 cupcakes and 4 microwaves and Jack has 4 cupcakes and 4 microwaves. Is this a Pareto efficient allocation? Why or why not?

b. What is the Pareto efficient allocation of cupcakes if Liz has only 1 microwave? Assume they consume all of the microwaves and cupcakes and justify that your answer meets the required criteria.

c. What is the MRT

cm in the allocation you found in part b?

d. What does the First Fundamental Theorem of Welfare Economics tell us will happen if we allow trade in this economy? What assumptions must be true?

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Retselisitsoe Pokothoane
Retselisitsoe PokothoaneLv10
28 Sep 2019

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