
1.When Kelly Ziegenfuss buys five units of a particular good or service, __________.

a.she has no consumer surplus

b.she has a consumer surplus

c.there is no way of knowing whether she has a consumersurplus

2.Lauren Elise Ballard would be maximizing her total utility when__________.

a.she had a consumer surplus

b.her marginal utility was zero

c.her marginal utility was equal to her total utility

d.she had no consumer surplus

3.Which statement is true?

a.Most people have the same utility schedules.

b.Most people enjoy a consumer surplus for at least some of thethings they buy.

c.We will consume additional units of a product until our consumersurplus is zero.

d.The utility of a product is measured by its usefulness.

4.Which statement is false?

a.The water-diamond paradox can be resolved with the help of the law of diminishing marginal utility.

b.We will consume a service when its marginal utility is equal toits price.

c.The law of diminishing marginal utility has little validity today.

d.None is false.

5.As Keith Collins buys more and more of any good or service, his__________.

a.total utility and marginal utility both decline

b.total utility and marginal utility both rise

c.total utility rises and marginal utility declines

d.total utility declines and marginal utility rises

6.Doug Horn will buy more and more of a good or service until__________.

a.marginal utility is greater than price

b.price is greater than marginal utility

c.price is equal to marginal utility

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 Kritika Krishnakumar
Kritika KrishnakumarLv10
28 Sep 2019
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