
Here are the raw results of an unemployment survey of the US one month: 330 million people, with 70 million under the age of 16. 15 million adults were in institutions such as prisons. 130 million of them had full-time jobs, 20 million had worked part-time the previous week. 40 million were retired, 20 million were full-time homemakers, and 25 million were full-time students. 3 million people fell into none of these categories but had not actively sought work in the last 3 months, while 7 million people had actively sought work but had not worked (and were not otherwise counted in a category above).

(1) What is the (non-institutionalized) adult population of the US this month?

(2) How many people are employed?

(3) How many adults are unemployed?

(4) How many people are in the labour force?


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Mahe Alam
Mahe AlamLv10
28 Sep 2019

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