
In Garfield, Colorado, early childhood professionals are working with the local school district and creating opportunities for preschool education through a program called Gus the Bus. Gus the Bus is a bus that is set up as a preschool classroom bringing early childhood education to parts of the community that may not otherwise be able to have children attend preschool. This is an excellent example of thinking outside the box to solve the problem of accessibility to quality preschool for each and every child and family in that community:

For this discussion, talk about innovative ideas and partnerships between community members or an agency and early childhood professionals to provide services for children and families. For your initial post, you will need to take time to research such a partnership or idea. You will need to share an innovative idea or partnership. Be sure to include who is involved; where the idea or partnership is taking place, what particular population is being served through the partnership or innovative idea, and any other details that describe the partnership or idea. After sharing the idea, include your personal opinion and ideas on how this idea benefits children and families.

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Darryn D'Souza
Darryn D'SouzaLv10
28 Sep 2019

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