
I really need help with this! Please help!!!

Your firm has established a small business assistance unit. The purpose of this unit is to find and assist a small business and to determine at some future time whether investing in that business is worthwhile. The manager of this unit has asked for guidance. Specifically, he had just visited a distillery near the Portland, Oregon office, and wants to know if there is an export potential for such a business. (He liked the products.) Your manager assigned you to make a report on what lessons about successful exporting can be shared with this unit manager? Your manager advised you of a site that may help get you started.

http://startups.co.uk/export-case-studies/ (Links to an external site.)

He reminded you to make sure you consider the following:

1. Should it set up a separate sales force in a target country? Or go with a local distributor? What are the risks associated with using local distributors? How can these risks be reduced?

2. How can the distillery make its product known in target countries?

3. Do small businesses enter the export market in a reactive, seemingly serendipitous manner? What can be done by your firm's small business assistance unit to make sure the small firms they work with can become more proactive with regard to exporting?

4. How important is government assistance?

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Namita kumari
Namita kumariLv6
28 Sep 2019
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