
The following table lists the name, gender (M = male, F = female),height, and reservation wage of 10 persons willing to work asfirefighters in Timber Creek. (Note: The reservation wage is thelowest wage a person is willing to accept to work.)

Name Gender Height
(Inches) Reservation Wage
(Dollars per week)
Akram M 68 400
Benjamin M 70 480
Catherine F 66 420
Dimitri M 65 460
Emily F 69 300
Fjorentina F 64 380
Grant M 72 340
Horacio M 67 440
Isabella F 63 320
Jin M 71 360

1.What is the lowest wage that Timber Creek must pay to hire fivefirefighters?

2.. Assuming that all firefighters must be at least 67 inches tall,how does this height restriction affect the wage the city must payto attract five firefighters, and how does the restriction affectthe gender composition of employment?
A. The wage rises by $60, and two more males are hired (two fewerfemales).

B. Neither the wage nor the gender composition of employment isaffected.

C. The wage rises by $60, and one more male is hired (one lessfemale).

D. The wage rises by $80, and one more male is hired (one lessfemale).

E. The wage rises by $80, and two more males are hired (two fewerfemales).

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Darryn D'Souza
Darryn D'SouzaLv10
28 Sep 2019

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