
Attending college can be viewed as a form of
investment in which costs are borne today and benefits are receivedin the future
investment in which benefits are received today and costs are bornein the future
consumption, because learning is an enjoyable activity
leisure, because learning is an enjoyable activity

2. A medium of exchange must be called:
approved by the government
socially acceptable in exchange for goods and services
easy to reproduce
used to eliminate specialization and the division of labor

3. Society's production possibilities frontier
helps explain the immense complexity of the real economy
demonstrates that, although resources are scarce for individuals,there is no problem of scarcity for society as a whole
is based on unrealistic assumptions and therefore has no value asan economic tool
is based on simplifying assumptions, but is still useful forillustrating scarcity, opportunity cost, and economic growth

4. On a production possibilities frontier, the opportunity cost ofone more unit of a commodity per time period is measured bythe
monetary price of the commodity
amount of the other commodity that must be sacrificed
amount of unemployed resources that must be used
amount of satisfaction it gives consumers

5. Pure capitalism and a pure command system represent
two different ways of answering the basic economic questions
two names describing the same method of answering the basiceconomic questions
the only two ways of answering the basic economic questions
the most efficient ways to answer the basic economicquestions

6. In what way is consumer demand different from consumerwants?
Demand is only for necessities.
Demand is only for luxuries.
Demand takes into account the ability to pay.
Consumer wants are only for luxuries.

7. In the case of a normal good, an increase in consumers' incomeswould shift the (Points : 1)
supply and demand curves inward
demand curve inward
demand curve outward
supply curve inward

8. Larger quantities of any good will be supplied at higher pricesbecause
consumers will be more satisfied
higher prices attract resources from other uses
people are naturally lazy and have to be bribed to give up theirleisure
price and quantity supplied are inversely related

9. If there is a shortage in the market for athletic shoes,
the price should rise to eliminate the shortage
inventories of athletic shoes will grow
demand will decrease to restore equilibrium
firms will reduce production to restore equilibrium

10. Which of the following is correct when a price is set below amarket's equilibrium price? (Points : 1)
quantity demanded exceeds quantity supplied at the set price
quantity demanded is less than quantity supplied at the setprice
quantity demanded is equal to quantity supplied at the setprice
at the set price there is a surplus

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manhokwe tawanda
manhokwe tawandaLv10
28 Sep 2019

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