
If we observe an increase in real GDP and an increase in the price level after an increase in aggregate demand, we can conclude that

A. the aggregate supply curve is upward sloping.

B. the economy is now at full employment.

C. the aggregate supply curve is vertical.

D. the aggregate supply curve is horizontal.

An inflationary gap occurs when

A. the equilibrium level of real GDP is greater than the long-run aggregate supply curve.

B. short-run aggregate supply falls, but other things remain constant.

C. the equilibrium level of real GDP is less than the long-run aggregate supply curve.

D. aggregate demand falls, but other things remain constant.

Cost-push inflation is

A. inflation caused by decreases in aggregate supply that are not matched by decreases in aggregate demand.

B. inflation caused by decreases in aggregate supply that generate an even larger decrease in aggregate demand.

C. inflation caused by increases in aggregate demand that generate an even larger increase in aggregate supply.

D. inflation caused by increases in aggregate demand that are not matched by increases in aggregate supply.

A stronger dollar in world exchange markets is shown by

A. a dollar buying less units of foreign currency than it could before.

B. a dollar buying more units of foreign currency than it could before.

C. a dollar buying the same amount of foreign currency than it could before, with gold backing up the value of the dollar.

D. foreigners selling the dollars that they have.

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Nestor Rutherford
Nestor RutherfordLv2
30 Sep 2019

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