
Classify each of the following statements as true or false: 

a) To be classified as organic, a compound must be or have been part of a living organism.

b) Carbon atoms normally form four bonds in organic compounds. 

c) Only an unsaturated hydrocarbon can engage in an addition reaction. 

d) Members of a homologous series differ by a distinct structural unit.

e) Alkanes, alkenes, and alkynes are unsaturated hydrocarbons. 

f) Alkyl groups are a class of organic compounds. 

g) Isomers have the same molecular formulas but different structural formulas.

h) Cis-trans isomerism appear among alkenes but not alkynes.

i) All aliphatic hydrocarbons are unsaturated. 

j) Aromatic hydrocarbons have a ring structure.

k) An alcohol has an alkyl group bonded to an oxygen atom, and an ether has two. 

l) Carbonyl groups are found in alcohols and aldehydes.

m) An ester is an aromatic carbon made from the reaction of an alcohol and a carboxylic acid. 

n) An amine has one, two, or three alkyl groups substituted for hydrogens in an ammonia molecule.  

o) An amide has the structure of a carboxylic acid except that     replaces OH in the carboxyl group.

p) A peptide linkage series arises when a water molecule forms from a hydrogen from the  of one amino acid molecule an   from an another amino acid molecule.

r) Chain-growth polymers are made a reaction that gives off water a second product.

s) Nylon is an example of a step-growth condensation polymer.

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Selena Adewinogo
Selena AdewinogoLv9
22 Jan 2021

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