
A sample of nitrosyl bromide (NOBr) decomposes according to the equation

2 NOBr(g) 2 NO(g) + Br2(g)

An equilibrium mixture in a 5.00-L vessel at 100 °C contains 3.22 g of NOBr, 3.08 g of NO, and 4.19 g of Br2. (a) Calculate Kc. (b) What is the total pressure exerted by the mixture of gases? (c) What was the mass of the original sample of NOBr?

The equilibrium concentration of all components is

The value of Kc for this reaction is

b) Assuming the ideal gas behavior, the total gas pressure corresponds to the partial pressures of each gas in the equilibrium mixture. The number of moles of three gases should be summed, and included in the ideal gas law equation to obtain the total pressure.

The total number of moles of gas is: 0.158 mol. The total pressure is

c) According to the Law of conservation of mass, the mass at the beginning and the mass at the end of reaction must be the same. The total mass at the equilibrium is 3.22 + 3.08 + 4.19 = 10.49 g. The mass of an original sample of NOBr was 10.49 g.

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Nestor Rutherford
Nestor RutherfordLv2
22 May 2020

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