13 Dec 2019

a. How many ATOMS of carbon are present in 3.13 moles of carbon tetrabromide ? ------ atoms of carbon.

b. How many MOLES of bromine are present in 1.60×1021 molecules of carbon tetrabromide ? ----- moles of bromine.

c. How many ATOMS of sulfur are present in 3.88 moles of sulfur dioxide ? ------ atoms of sulfur.

d. How many MOLES of oxygen are present in 6.72×1022 molecules of sulfur dioxide ? ------- moles of oxygen.

e. How many MOLECULES of carbon tetrachloride are present in 4.93 moles of this compound ? ----- molecules.

f. How many MOLES of carbon tetrachloride are present in 4.53×1022 molecules of this compound ? ----- moles.

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Lelia Lubowitz
Lelia LubowitzLv2
17 Dec 2019

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